"Always keep nunchucks by your bed, so you're prepared for any possible attack on the premises. Also in case, Cousin Rick tries to sneak into your bedroom while your sleeping at night."
5/9/2011 03:08:28 pm

Now you tell me! I'm not a hot girl, but cousin Rick just ass-raped me ten minutes ago and it was not fun!

5/21/2011 08:25:51 am

Isn't that always the case. Too little, too late. Like how all your friends always tell you all the warnings and things they didn't like about your boyfriend, AFTER you break up. Like, "He's a dick", "I think he's cheating on you", "His mother is Satan", "He fucked his sister." "I saw his photo on America's Most Wanted". All really useful information. I hear you, my bad. Sorry about your ass, Marty.


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