"When people call Cherokees 'Generokees' because of our fair features, I know they're probably just jealous, because our ancestors got to go on the 'Trail of Tears'. Sounds like a pretty awesome rock band, doesn't it? It wasn't. It was pretty much just a really long eviction from their land with lots and lots of abuse and rape. Which is how Cherokees became so fair or 'generic'. But don't go and try to start a band called 'Trail of Tears' now, because I call dibs."
5/20/2011 03:25:54 pm

This post makes me think of Corporal Agarn from F Troop! I bet he raped his share of Indian women. Good lovin' indeedy!

5/21/2011 08:09:08 am

Yeah, Larry Storch definitely had that rapey look in his eye. Squirrely little fucker.


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